Monday, April 6, 2020

For my hometown pathetic internet, I am not able to change my blogger theme etc. I was gonna browse all the free online classes as well but failed.

Just for a quick update. I successfully made buddae jiggae huehue.

Furthermore, i actually attended a virtual interview. Broken down to group discussion, role play & individual presentation. I dont think i did well in individual presentation. the rest was rather okay. i do think that virtual presentation does make you less stressful as you dont see the panels observing you while doing group discussions. because if you were to do it on site you do see the panels sitting across the table. yes it does lack a lot of physical interactions as you might leave out some of the team members as you dont really notice them virtually. and lacking the chance to network with other candidate as a whole. however, im glad that it's all over.

it is very hard to say now whether companies are still hiring due to economy down time. and i feel like i'll be one of the earliest batch to be retrenched (if this happens) touch wood hopefully it's not gonna happen.

Failed to work out at home as well. im just a lazy ass.

praying every night to ensure safety of the people. really hopefully things are going to be okay soon.

see ya guys.
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