Monday, October 19, 2020

hi guys

pursuant to my last post, i did not pursue my crazy thought (luckily). we'll talk about it next time. 

good news, i secured a job next month. will reveal to yall soon okies. and it's all thanks to my colleague who has been helping me on the referral, screening and mock interviews. i am eternally grateful for her mentoring and help. 

so i moved in to my new house last month. hiccups on the designers and locksmith but overall it was a great party. also my liability now to pay loan every month. but i guess it's a good problem to have at my age. tho im forever struggling on maintaining my lifestyle and debt.

not gonna lie, ive been sick since last monday. where the cmco happened, where the rise of covid cases happened. and i also visited both BSC and Mid Valley where their staffs were tested positive. i developed a mild sore throat since last sunday night think it'll be over when i wake up because for that weekend i barely had good sleeps and ive been eating a lot of spices. i woke up the next day feeling uncomfortable and decided to not go to work. with a lot of concerns i consulted doctor if im required to take covid test since ive been to those places and im developing symptoms. however my symptoms do not really qualified for the test. you need to have at least 2 common sickness (flu, cough, fever, sore throat etc), or 1 more serious illness (lack of taste, difficulty breathing, asthma) only you're qualified for it. thinking im just a minor sore throat (without cough nor fever) i thought the sore will just subside after medication. 

sadly im not fully recovered after finishing the medicines and i went back to the clinic demanding my concerns. still no cough no fever nor other sickness all together. i feel good it's just my throat still swells. she drew up my blood for testing and it came out only bacteria infection (instead of viral infection which then i'll have to go for covid testing) therefore im prescribed with antibiotics. i wouldnt say im fully recovered but it's definitely better now and back to work and taking care of my diet. 

therefore past week ive been in isolation and nvr stepped out of the house. i usually will feel crazy for being stuck at home for so long but i quite enjoyed my time doing absolutely nothing (ofc i still work when necessary), house chores, cooking, reading, it feels great! (except for exercising, will get back to that soon when im fully recovered).

went to Niko Neko Match in petaling street, got my matcha and cake cravings satisfied. headed back home for more rest. 

i wouldnt really say ive been productive but i guess it's a really good rest for me and thank lord i have not been arguing with my bf for the past week of staying tgt. 


since my work term is coming to an end in 3 weeks. i actually have bought some coffee takeway mugs for my colleagues. Thinking to write them a cute letter to put inside the mug but also thinking maybe to buy them a coffee with the mug. still hesitating. but will design the letter soon. 

im happy with my team im not gonna lie. i learned a lot it's just that it has been a little stagnant. people been asking why do you feel it's stagnant when im not even at the position i want yet but no one will know what's going on until you're on my feet. so im very happy my future employer believed in me and gave me the opportunity to keep growing. despite the pay range is not exactly higher but im grateful to have earned it during this crisis.

all and all im really grateful to have everyone around me even tho sometimes i still sulk and wonder if i can get more fun and joy from others but when you dont fit in you just dont no matter how hard you try to be cool. alternating your attitude for a bit doesnt harm you but in a long run who knows what kind of monsters you'll become. 

i wish the best for everyone if you're still lost, hustling, and not coping well. we just need to see the positivity in everything even at this depressing times. gotta stay strong mentally to keep fighting. am no expert but just keep yourself busy with your hobbies & write down your angers. meditate, draw, laugh, cook - anything to make you temporary forget the world for a while. 

i am ready to embark my journey even tho im really really scared but girl gotta step on her very first step. 

i'll try to put more photos next time. words are too dry and hard to digest sometimes. adios amigos.

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