Sunday, October 3, 2021

 i know im not supposed to compare myself with everyone else but everyone around me seems to have side job so they wont fall behind if the main job fails. or they just have extra skills that could back their career up. or just with some genius investment mindset. 

and here's me with no luck finding new job nor having any skills / capital / mindset for a second job to back me up. 

most days i ask myself what else i can do to get me doing something else to earn some bucks but nothing comes to mind. not sure if im just pure lazy, unmotivated, not sure where to start etc but im definitely not so happy being so. 

following a pushy leader is hard. tho many times i asked myself not to give up so easily and i should push it through but many times it's just not enough. despite whatever compliments or acknowledgements, it's just never enough. i know there's no free lunch and i cant guarantee my new job can be any better but srsly things are not doing good at my job rn especially more and more business are falling the edge but you're expected to find people who are capable to fill the void up. im just really tired of this really. 

not looking for work tmrw but i always pray for the better for everybody. hopefully things go smoothly. 

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