Tuesday, November 2, 2021

thank lord, ive attended 2 interviews past 2 weeks. (possibly one more coming) but things got even harder than expected even when i am almost reaching my goal. 

first of all. i didnt know they'll ask me about my directorship (which obviously i have no right to join / withdraw because it's all controlled by mum and i also dont know why they ask me about it). then found my share investment (which also done by my mum). and asking bunch of questions even tho i just ask for RM100 increase from their counter offer. tho i kinda felt off after hearing their lame benefits of the company. 

the other one has yet to come back to me. 

the one who called me earlier today hopefully will get a good news soon for first round of interview.

and also from all these job hunting experiences, i have derived 2 questions:

1. am i too coward, too easy to give up?

you all have been seeing how much ive been ranting about my job. almost every other day im just at verge of breaking down. mini panic attacks and every day i just wake up in the middle of the night because i dreamt bout my job. 

then i heard pieces here and there from people about the potential new job scope and it'll be even crazier than what im doing now. that kinda made me hesitated but i need to get out of the current job? so i have been struggling to make decision recently. 

so i keep asking myself if im just so coward. i cant even complete the easy task and im now even looking for even crazier job scope. like what is running in my mind?

2. are they too harsh, utilising every single inch of the human cells?

like why are the corporate pushing the limits of every single human? why arent humans allowed for a single breather. a slice of cake. and the simplest of letting employees go home on time?

why must we achieve the unrealistic timeline just because you envision it and yet you're not paying extra for everyone's extra effort. 

so im not even sure anymore tbh. im just really tired and want a really long break. torn between crazy work load & kpi & salary & progression. why is adulting so difficult these days. my mum gave birth to me when she was my age. and i cant even keep myself composed at this age ... 

so i hope everyone is doing well. 2 more months and 2021 will be gone. hope 2022 is so much better for everybody. x

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